Type: Summary of the Summer 2017 Anime
Plot: Hyakkaou Private Foundation. An establishment for the favored with an extremely unconventional educational plan. At the point when you're the children and girls of the most affluent of the rich, it's not athletic ability or book smarts that keep you ahead. It's perusing your rival, the specialty of the arrangement. What better way to hone those abilities than through a rigorous gambling curriculum? Winners are treated like kings at Hyakkaou Private Academy, while losers are put through their paces. But when Yumeko Jabami joins, she'll show these kids what it's like to be a high roller!
Genre: Released: Drama, Mysteries, Psychological, School, Shounen Status in 2017: Completed
A different name: Impulsive Card shark, 賭ケグルイ
Plot: Hyakkaou Private Foundation. An establishment for the favored with an extremely unconventional educational plan. At the point when you're the children and girls of the most affluent of the rich, it's not athletic ability or book smarts that keep you ahead. It's perusing your rival, the specialty of the arrangement. What better way to hone those abilities than through a rigorous gambling curriculum? Winners are treated like kings at Hyakkaou Private Academy, while losers are put through their paces. But when Yumeko Jabami joins, she'll show these kids what it's like to be a high roller!
Genre: Released: Drama, Mysteries, Psychological, School, Shounen Status in 2017: Completed
A different name: Impulsive Card shark, 賭ケグルイ