Type: Fall 2021 Anime
Plot Synopsis: Fena Houtman is a young orphan who has been raised on an island where she has no chance of becoming anything more than a commodity that the soldiers of the British Empire will use and discard. Be that as it may, Fena is something other than another feeble vagrant. At the point when her secretive past comes thumping, Fena will break the chains of her oppressors. Her aim is: forge a brand-new identity free of bonds, look for a place where she can truly belong, and discover the true mysteries that lie behind the keyword "Eden." It is an epic tale experience she and her team of oddballs and impossible partners will have, in quest for her objectives!
Genre: Action,Adventure
Delivered: Status in 2021: Completed
A different name: Fena: The Pirate Princess,
Plot Synopsis: Fena Houtman is a young orphan who has been raised on an island where she has no chance of becoming anything more than a commodity that the soldiers of the British Empire will use and discard. Be that as it may, Fena is something other than another feeble vagrant. At the point when her secretive past comes thumping, Fena will break the chains of her oppressors. Her aim is: forge a brand-new identity free of bonds, look for a place where she can truly belong, and discover the true mysteries that lie behind the keyword "Eden." It is an epic tale experience she and her team of oddballs and impossible partners will have, in quest for her objectives!
Genre: Action,Adventure
Delivered: Status in 2021: Completed
A different name: Fena: The Pirate Princess,