Type: OVA
Plot Synopsis: It's the night prior to the fair commending the Realm of Guardia's long term commemoration. The monsters come out to play after the humans have gone to bed, eager for the celebration the next day. Nuu and Mamo are two little beasts tingling to have their own experience in existence, and their experience bunch Nuumamonjaa is selecting new individuals. Their adventure turns into a disaster as they get into a series of mishaps because neither is particularly intelligent. A quick drinking rivalry, a nearby experience with a mechanical feline, and a fast vehicle pursue — this may be more experience than the small team expected!
Genre: Action,Comedy,Fantasy
Delivered: 1996 Situation: Completed
A different name: Chrono Trigger, Reality Experiences Nuumamonjaa, 時空冒険ヌウマモンジャー
Plot Synopsis: It's the night prior to the fair commending the Realm of Guardia's long term commemoration. The monsters come out to play after the humans have gone to bed, eager for the celebration the next day. Nuu and Mamo are two little beasts tingling to have their own experience in existence, and their experience bunch Nuumamonjaa is selecting new individuals. Their adventure turns into a disaster as they get into a series of mishaps because neither is particularly intelligent. A quick drinking rivalry, a nearby experience with a mechanical feline, and a fast vehicle pursue — this may be more experience than the small team expected!
Genre: Action,Comedy,Fantasy
Delivered: 1996 Situation: Completed
A different name: Chrono Trigger, Reality Experiences Nuumamonjaa, 時空冒険ヌウマモンジャー