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Ba La La Xiao Mo Xian Zhi: Caihong Xin Shi

Alternative:  Balala the Fairies Season 1  Balala  Little Magic Fairy: Rainbow Heart Stone
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 36
Type: TV Series
Year: 2011
Status: Completed

Genres:  Comedy  Magic  Shoujo

After the fairies defeated Gunala, the Evil Goddess, another crisis hit the Fairy Castle!! The magical energy of the world has been devoured by the evil wizards. The Rainbow Flower, the source of the magic power, is soon to wither, and this will destroy the world of Fairy Castle. Only finding the legendary Rainbow Heart Stone and letting it recollect all the essential energy can save the world. To solve this biggest crisis in the history of the Fairy Castle, Prince YouLe, Sally, and their new friend XiaoQian, have to go back to the human world and reunite with Maggie and Michelle to fight the evil again.


Alternative:  B`T X ビート・エックス
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 25
Type: TV Series
Year: 1996
Status: Completed

Genres:  Adventure  Mecha  Sci-Fi  Shounen

Teppei is going to visit his older brother Kotaro Takamiya during a scientific conference after training with a mysterious woman named Karen for the past 11 years. However his plans for a family reunion become stalled when a woman named Aramis kills everyone in the conference to kidnap Kotaro. Teppei on the way to save his brother encounters a broken mechanical horse called B’t X who revives thanks to Teppei’s blood and is now his aide to save his brother from the mysterious Machine Empire.

B: The Beginning

Language: Subbed
Episodes: 12
Type: ONA
Year: 2018
Status: Completed

Genres:  Action  Military  Mystery  Police  Sci-Fi  Supernatural  Thriller

In a world powered by advanced technology, crime and action unfold in the archipelagic nation of Cremona. Koku, the protagonist. Keith, the legendary investigator of the royal police force RIS. A mysterious criminal organization. A wide variety of characters race through the fortified city as it is beset by the serial killer, Killer B, and a chain of crimes in this suspense drama by director Kazuto Nakazawa and Production I.G

B-Project: Kodou*Ambitious

Alternative:  B-PROJECT~鼓動*アンビシャス~
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 12
Type: Summer 2016
Year: 2016
Status: Completed

Genres:  Music

The anime’s story follows Tsubasa, a new hire in the A&R department of the major recording company Gandala Music. Tsubasa is immediately assigned to oversee the idol unit “B-PROJECT,” which is made up of three idol groups: Kitakore, THRIVE, and MooNs. This is Tsubasa’s first job, and she gets involved in various incidents and accidents as she deals with this group of young men who each have their own differing personalities.

B-Legend! Battle B-Daman Fire Spirits! (Dub)

Alternative:  Battle B-Daman: Fire Spirits!  B-伝説(ビーレジェンド)! バトルビーダマン 炎魂(ファイヤースピリッツ!)
Language: Dubbed
Episodes: 51
Type: TV Series
Year: 2005
Status: Ongoing

Genres:  Adventure  Fantasy  Game

It is not uncommon to wish upon shooting stars. But for B-DaPlayers all around the world, what they seek is not for their wishes to be granted. Gazing upon what many would assume are just rocks shrunk to the size of a pebble by atmospheric entry and fallen to the earth, the fated ones see instead what are known as Strike Shots—powerful marbles originating from the vast and mystical outer space. After achieving triumph in the war against his ultimate foes, Yamato Daiwa continues his journey as a rising B-DaPlayer, looking to obtain a new power worthy of his improved battle gear.

B-Daman Crossfire (Dub)

Alternative:  Cross Fight Bedaman  クロスファイト ビーダマン
Language: Dubbed
Episodes: 26
Type: TV Series
Year: 2011
Status: Completed

Genres:  Game  Kids

A rumor has spread amongst the children worldwide regarding the popular B-Daman matches: A select group will be allowed to participate in an upcoming secret competition, known as “Cross Fight”!

B Gata H Kei (Dub)

Alternative:  B Gata H Kei: Yamada's First Time  B型H系
Language: Dubbed
Episodes: 12
Type: TV Series
Year: 2010
Status: Completed

Genres:  Comedy  Ecchi  Romance  School  Seinen

Yamada, first name withheld, is a 15-year-old girl who has just entered Takizawa High School. Easily considered exceptionally beautiful, she has only one problem with her own body, she thinks her vagina looks weird and is very self-conscious about it. Upon entering high school, her dream was to have casual sex with 100 men but therein lies the problem, she believes an experienced partner will tease her about the way her vagina looks or simply the fact that she’s a virgin. She stumbles upon the solution in the form of Kosuda Takashi, a fellow virgin, whom she believes will help ease the transition to more experienced partners. There’s only one small problem, Yamada doesn’t know anything about sex or the ancient art of seduction, meaning her quest to conquer Kosuda will be a difficult one.

Afro Samurai

Alternative:  アフロサムライ
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 5
Type: TV Series
Year: 2007
Status: Completed

Genres:  Action  Samurai

his father in front of him when he was just a boy, a three-armed gunman who is the lord of the dark swordsman’s road and the current No. 1.

Africa no Salaryman (TV)

Alternative:  Africa Salaryman  アフリカのサラリーマン (TV)
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 12
Type: Fall 2019
Year: 2019
Status: Completed

Genres:  Comedy  Slice of Life

The comedy follows a lion, toucan, and lizard as they live the lives of office workers in a capitalist society in Japan, while also dealing with their unique situations as animals living beyond the savanna and the food chain.