Type: Summary of the TV Series'
Plot: Lewis Carroll is generally believed to have written two books about Alice. Anyway there is another Alice book, "Perpetual Alice". The books' pages were somehow ripped out, and the girls are thinking about them. Kirihara Aruto enjoys imagining his own Alice and reading Alice books. At some point, he ends up gathering a young lady flying in the air, and she closely resembles his Alice. Arisugawa Arisu is her surname. She belongs to "Alice." The Alice have pieces of the Alice book to them, and they battles against one another to gather these sections. In the event that one can gather the entire sections to finish the book, it will allow any wish.
Genre: Released Magic, Fantasy: Status in 2006: Completed
A different name: The Essential Princess Story of Alice Rondo,
Plot: Lewis Carroll is generally believed to have written two books about Alice. Anyway there is another Alice book, "Perpetual Alice". The books' pages were somehow ripped out, and the girls are thinking about them. Kirihara Aruto enjoys imagining his own Alice and reading Alice books. At some point, he ends up gathering a young lady flying in the air, and she closely resembles his Alice. Arisugawa Arisu is her surname. She belongs to "Alice." The Alice have pieces of the Alice book to them, and they battles against one another to gather these sections. In the event that one can gather the entire sections to finish the book, it will allow any wish.
Genre: Released Magic, Fantasy: Status in 2006: Completed
A different name: The Essential Princess Story of Alice Rondo,