Type: The Movie's
Plot: The Capitol Police Organization (CAPO) is a special police force that has been established in an alternate history in Tokyo in the 1960s, when riots were raging. The special unit within CAPO that gets the toughest jobs A portion of the men in the unit, as per talk, contain a vigilante bunch called the Wolf Detachment. A member of the special unit named Fuse obsesses over a terrorist girl who detonated her explosive device in front of him. Then he meets the girl's sister and falls in love with her...
Released: Drama, Romance, Military, Police, and Psychological 1998 Situation: Completed
A different name: JIN ROH
Plot: The Capitol Police Organization (CAPO) is a special police force that has been established in an alternate history in Tokyo in the 1960s, when riots were raging. The special unit within CAPO that gets the toughest jobs A portion of the men in the unit, as per talk, contain a vigilante bunch called the Wolf Detachment. A member of the special unit named Fuse obsesses over a terrorist girl who detonated her explosive device in front of him. Then he meets the girl's sister and falls in love with her...
Released: Drama, Romance, Military, Police, and Psychological 1998 Situation: Completed
A different name: JIN ROH