Type: Winter 2015 Anime
Plot Rundown: Joutarou Kuujou and his partners have at last come to Egypt, where the undying Dio is standing by. A brand-new member joins the group upon their arrival: Iggy, a mutt who uses the Stand "The Numb-skull." However, there is bad news as well, as a new group of Stand users who serve Dio stand in their way with a Stand that represents an ancient Egyptian god. It is a race against time to free Joutarou's mother from her curse and put an end to Dio's terror over the Joestar family once and for all as their final battle draws near.
Genre: Action,Adventure,Drama,Shounen,Supernatural
Delivered: 2015 Situation: Completed
A different name: JoJo's Strange Journey: Battle in Egypt, Stardust Crusaders, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 3, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Egypt Arc of the Stardust Crusaders,
Plot Rundown: Joutarou Kuujou and his partners have at last come to Egypt, where the undying Dio is standing by. A brand-new member joins the group upon their arrival: Iggy, a mutt who uses the Stand "The Numb-skull." However, there is bad news as well, as a new group of Stand users who serve Dio stand in their way with a Stand that represents an ancient Egyptian god. It is a race against time to free Joutarou's mother from her curse and put an end to Dio's terror over the Joestar family once and for all as their final battle draws near.
Genre: Action,Adventure,Drama,Shounen,Supernatural
Delivered: 2015 Situation: Completed
A different name: JoJo's Strange Journey: Battle in Egypt, Stardust Crusaders, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Part 3, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Egypt Arc of the Stardust Crusaders,