Type: OVA
Plot Synopsis: Kujo Jotaro is a typical, famous Japanese high-schooler, until he imagines that he is moved by a soul, and secures himself in jail. Jotaro discovers that the "Spirit" is actually Star Platinum, his Stand, or fighting energy given a semi-solid form, after seeing his grandfather Joseph Joestar and fighting Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul. His mother later acquires a Stand and develops illness. Jotaro discovers that it is because Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro's great-great-grandfather, defeated the vampire Dio Brando 100 years earlier. Jotaro chooses to join Joseph and Abdul in an excursion to Egypt to overcome Dio for the last time.
Genre: Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Horror,Shounen,Supernatural,Vampire
Delivered: 1993 Situation: Completed
A different name: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Episode 1 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Plot Synopsis: Kujo Jotaro is a typical, famous Japanese high-schooler, until he imagines that he is moved by a soul, and secures himself in jail. Jotaro discovers that the "Spirit" is actually Star Platinum, his Stand, or fighting energy given a semi-solid form, after seeing his grandfather Joseph Joestar and fighting Joseph's friend Muhammad Abdul. His mother later acquires a Stand and develops illness. Jotaro discovers that it is because Jonathan Joestar, Jotaro's great-great-grandfather, defeated the vampire Dio Brando 100 years earlier. Jotaro chooses to join Joseph and Abdul in an excursion to Egypt to overcome Dio for the last time.
Genre: Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Horror,Shounen,Supernatural,Vampire
Delivered: 1993 Situation: Completed
A different name: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Episode 1 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure