Type: Spring 2023 Anime
Plot Synopsis: In this heartwarming slice-of-life school comedy series, opposites attract when a cheerful airhead meets the class wallflower! Until a new kid arrives, one lonely, gloomy fifth grader is the target of relentless bullying and teasing from her classmates. Despite the fact that friendly Takada is as ignorant as he is kind, he somehow possesses the magical ability to begin luring "Grim Reaper" Nishimura out of her shell. An unusual friendship develops between the elementary schoolers as they share all the fun of a summer as a child, like going to the pool, picking sunflowers, and watching fireworks!
Genre: Comedy,Romantic Subtext,School,Shounen
Delivered: 2022
Status: Current
Other name: 事情を知らない転校生がグイグイくる。, The clueless transfer student who was my first clueless friend is assertive.
Plot Synopsis: In this heartwarming slice-of-life school comedy series, opposites attract when a cheerful airhead meets the class wallflower! Until a new kid arrives, one lonely, gloomy fifth grader is the target of relentless bullying and teasing from her classmates. Despite the fact that friendly Takada is as ignorant as he is kind, he somehow possesses the magical ability to begin luring "Grim Reaper" Nishimura out of her shell. An unusual friendship develops between the elementary schoolers as they share all the fun of a summer as a child, like going to the pool, picking sunflowers, and watching fireworks!
Genre: Comedy,Romantic Subtext,School,Shounen
Delivered: 2022
Status: Current
Other name: 事情を知らない転校生がグイグイくる。, The clueless transfer student who was my first clueless friend is assertive.