Plot Outline: " Are you there, Hanako-san? Hanako-san At Kamome Foundation, reports flourish about the school's Seven Secrets, one of which is Hanako-san. Said to possess the third slow down of the third floor young ladies' washroom in the old fashioned building, Hanako-san allows any wish when gathered. Nene Yashiro, a high school student who enjoys the occult and longs for love, enters this eerie bathroom, but the Hanako-san she meets there is not what she expected! Kamome Institute's Hanako-san...is a kid!
Genre: Released: Shounen, Supernatural, Comedy, and School Status for 2020: Completed
A different name: Latrine Bound Hanako-kun, 地縛少年花子くん
Plot Outline: " Are you there, Hanako-san? Hanako-san At Kamome Foundation, reports flourish about the school's Seven Secrets, one of which is Hanako-san. Said to possess the third slow down of the third floor young ladies' washroom in the old fashioned building, Hanako-san allows any wish when gathered. Nene Yashiro, a high school student who enjoys the occult and longs for love, enters this eerie bathroom, but the Hanako-san she meets there is not what she expected! Kamome Institute's Hanako-san...is a kid!
Genre: Released: Shounen, Supernatural, Comedy, and School Status for 2020: Completed
A different name: Latrine Bound Hanako-kun, 地縛少年花子くん