Type: Summary of the TV Series'
Plot: The primary person, Endou Mamoru, is an extremely gifted goalkeeper and the grandson of perhaps of the most grounded goalkeeper in Japan, who kicked the bucket before he was conceived. Despite his exceptional abilities, his school does not have a real soccer club because the six other students do not appear to be very interested in even attending training. But the young goalkeeper sets out to find and recruit players for his soccer team as soon as a mysterious forward named Gouenji moves into Endou's town.
Genre: Shounen,Sports,Super Power
Delivered: Status in 2008: Completed
A different name: イナズマイレブン
Plot: The primary person, Endou Mamoru, is an extremely gifted goalkeeper and the grandson of perhaps of the most grounded goalkeeper in Japan, who kicked the bucket before he was conceived. Despite his exceptional abilities, his school does not have a real soccer club because the six other students do not appear to be very interested in even attending training. But the young goalkeeper sets out to find and recruit players for his soccer team as soon as a mysterious forward named Gouenji moves into Endou's town.
Genre: Shounen,Sports,Super Power
Delivered: Status in 2008: Completed
A different name: イナズマイレブン