Type: Spring 2018 Anime
Plot Rundown: After the events of the first game, Inazuma Eleven Ares will take place in a parallel world. The story will be told through the eyes of Ryouhei Haizaki, Asuto Inamori, and Yuuma Nosaka, the three main characters. The main characters are a group of boys who love to play soccer and live on an island. Their soccer team was suddenly disbanded, and winning the Football Frontier is the only way they can get it back. To attend Raimon Junior High School and take on the Football Frontier, protagonist Asuto Inamori and his group leave the island for Tokyo. However, their first match is against Seishou Gakuen, who is ranked number one.
Genre: Sports
Delivered: Status in 2018: Completed
A different name: イナズマイレブン アレスの天秤
Plot Rundown: After the events of the first game, Inazuma Eleven Ares will take place in a parallel world. The story will be told through the eyes of Ryouhei Haizaki, Asuto Inamori, and Yuuma Nosaka, the three main characters. The main characters are a group of boys who love to play soccer and live on an island. Their soccer team was suddenly disbanded, and winning the Football Frontier is the only way they can get it back. To attend Raimon Junior High School and take on the Football Frontier, protagonist Asuto Inamori and his group leave the island for Tokyo. However, their first match is against Seishou Gakuen, who is ranked number one.
Genre: Sports
Delivered: Status in 2018: Completed
A different name: イナズマイレブン アレスの天秤