Type: Summary of the TV Series'
Plot: A terrible plague claimed the lives of nearly every Ootsuka villager five years ago. However, in a strange twist, three survivors: Two boys and a girl emerged. The three are now isolated and hidden from anyone who might try to find them because they live in a church. Shino, one of the survivors, has command over the force of Murasame, the sharp edge of life. However, when the imperial church tries to take the Murasame for itself, their peaceful existence is over... Genre: Action,Fantasy,Shoujo,Supernatural
Delivered: 2013 Situation: Completed
A different name: Season two of Hakkenden's Eight Dogs of the East,
Plot: A terrible plague claimed the lives of nearly every Ootsuka villager five years ago. However, in a strange twist, three survivors: Two boys and a girl emerged. The three are now isolated and hidden from anyone who might try to find them because they live in a church. Shino, one of the survivors, has command over the force of Murasame, the sharp edge of life. However, when the imperial church tries to take the Murasame for itself, their peaceful existence is over... Genre: Action,Fantasy,Shoujo,Supernatural
Delivered: 2013 Situation: Completed
A different name: Season two of Hakkenden's Eight Dogs of the East,